Midwifery Service Directory England United Kingdom


Maternity Services

No two births are the same, because no two people are the same. Everyone is different, with different strengths, desires and preferences, as they go through the journey of pregnancy. Fortunately, there are a whole host of service providers in your area, ready to help you in the ways that you need. Here, you’ll find a midwife that suits your personal requirements, with maternity services that make birthing your child a relaxed, controlled affair. These services are all midwife-led, with their caring nature and experience at your disposal in whatever capacity you need. How would you make pregnancy easier? Come and see who can help you and how.



No matter the stage of the child-bearing process at which you find yourself, our various directories feature a raft of friendly, experienced, person-centred midwives, ready to guide, assist and encourage you, with their maternity services, in the ways you want most.


pregnant woman in khaki shirt holding belly