I'm Bailey, a midwife and mama herself.

I've had the utterly joyous role of helping families welcome new additions for almost a decade in my varied and dedicated role within the NHS and as a private health professional. I believe that every woman's pregnancy, birth and parenting experience should be surrounded & rooted in choice. 

I continue to work alongside my colleagues in the NHS to upskill and remain connected with the local trusts which you will birth with and find value in their support and knowledge. 


I am passionate about all aspects of your pregnancy journey; and believe that helping you into the parenting arena is a connected experience from your first appointment with your care providers right up to discharge and beyond! I love nothing more than watching you find your voice, your inner birthing confidence and helping you see you are not alone and never should be. It takes a village!

Having a baby is a life changing experience & one that comes with a multitude of emotions! 

For many it brings fear, anxiety & a hell of a lot of questions! I'm here to help you process those emotions & set you up on your journey.

I want to help you grasp the excitement around birth & how powerful the process into parenthood can be.

  • I love nothing more than sitting down with couples/families/friends/doulas (the list is endless) & unpicking the power of birth! 
  • Over a heck of a lot of coffee (or tea….mines Coffee/milk/& 1 please!) we will explore all of the evidence, your options, choices and plans for your pregnancy & birth.
  • Most importantly of all – I work FOR you & will help you enjoy, explore & trust the process of pregnancy & birth.

With almost a decade of knowledge & experience, most of which concentrated in the NHS & home births I have a wealth of information to bring to your coffee table & because I still work clinically amongst many local trusts I am able to talk you through their menu of guidelines & recommendations; all with your individuality in mind.

I am also lucky enough to be connected with Midwives & birth workers who I collaborate with to provide you with a wide net of resources & experiences should you wish to access them.

I believe birth is a privilege to be a part of & an exciting experience for ALL involved so let's work together to make it everything you want it to be!