Hi there, I'm Mel, a 35 year old married mother of 3. I live in North West Leicestershire, in a 1930s house that might actually fall down before my husband and I get round to renovating it. I qualified as a midwife in 2009. Since then I have spent the following 14 years working within the NHS and since 2017 I have been fortunate enough to work on a dedicated homebirth service.


The fourth trimester is here. Defined as the first 12 weeks following the birth of your baby. This special time is often filled with love and joy, but it's also a time of great emotional and physical change, not only for you as a new mother but also for your newborn. It's a unique and monumental transition for which women and families need kindness, care and expertise. 


When you book a postnatal care package, you will have access to me as your midwife for a full 4 weeks following the birth of your baby. I am on hand to support the whole family as you navigate your way through the hazy, early days. 


To ensure you get off to the best start possible, you will receive a daily home visit for the first 7 days following birth. Postnatal home visits thereafter will be arranged to suit your individual needs and discharge is typically not before 28 days. 


In between scheduled appointments, I am available to answer all your questions and concerns via telephone or WhatsApp.