Rise Midwives Independent Midwives

 Rise Midwives doing an antenatal check with a pregnant woman

We're a team of passionate, dedicated midwives offering elemental midwifery care from preconception to 4th trimester, including Home birth care.

At the heart of our practice lies a deep understanding of grassroots midwifery and respectful and non-judgmental care.

A balanced blend of emotional intelligence skills with clinical expertise based on physiology, and evidence and resources-based information. We recognize that the most important evidence comes from the mothers/birthing persons themselves. They are the experts in their lives and bodies, and we meet them where they are, bringing our expert skills to support them in the way they need most.

We understand that childbirth is a big life transition, and our role is to provide support that honours each individual's choices and needs.

One of our core values is the relationship between the midwife and the mother/birthing person. This relationship is built on mutual trust and respect.

We believe in meeting each mother and birthing person exactly where they are, with open hearts and expert hands, ready to support them in bringing new life into the world in a way that is empowered, positive and aligned with their values.

As independent midwives, we get to know YOU. Your plans, your dreams, your fears about birth and parenthood. Our care is crafted to fit your unique needs, ensuring you feel supported, informed, and empowered


We stand by you as your advocates, ensuring your voice is heard empowering you to have a positive journey 

At Rise Midwives, we believe every family deserves ELEVATED care compassionate, individualised, and empowering. We will walk together this journey, we will respect and support your autonomy in making choices aligned with your needs, and trusting in your ability to grow and birth your baby.


Services: holistic preconception, antenatal and postnatal care, home birth, c/s non clinical support, IBCLC and tongue-tie consultation and release, placenta remedies, sacred feminine wisdom, closing ceremony, birth trauma release, NIPT, aromatherapy, biomechanics, education, baby wearing.


Offering care to "out of guidance" patients 

Website: www.risemidwives.com

Email: hello@risemidwives.com

IG: @risemidwives

Call Us on: 07460239108 / 07366 003603