Portrait of Nickie the Midwife standing up in a navy blue uniform




HI, My name is Nickie and I am a midwife and hypnotherapist (and also a life coach!)

I specialise in working with families who need that little "something extra" in their care - neurodiversity challenges, previous birth trauma or wanting care "outside of guidelines", and working for surrogates & intended parents. I am a strong advocate for families and happy to fight the system if you need me to. I will work with other professionals both in the NHS and outside it, and this was also why I founded the Harlow Perinatal Alliance - where we aim to connect and strengthen the working with any professionals who may offer something that you need, so if I dont have the answers / tools for you - I likely will "know someone who can"..

I love journeying with women and their families as they grow and change. I aim to reduce your stress levels every step of the way by providing antenatal care tailored to your needs, I will write personalised hypnobirthing recordings just for you. I work with your birthing partners for whatever type of birth you choose and care for you when your little person arrives safely :-) I provide breastfeeding support if required, and I'm available by phone or text most of the time (unless one of my little people has hidden my phone!)

There is a phrase among midwives that we have "a lady's hands, a lions heart, and a hawks eye", and all of mine are at your service. Get in touch and tell me what you need.

With massive love and best wishes, I can't wait to work for you!

Nickie x


Services Provided

Antenatal, labour, postnatal care
support for high risk pregnancies / families wanting care outside of guidance
support for neurodiverse families
tailored hypnobirthing packages for surrogates and intended parents
trauma informed care (previous obstetric trauma or for survivors of abuse)
life coaching
CPD units for midwives / doulas / students