Independent Midwife Mollie may standing on the beach with a baby in a sling

pregnant woman stands holding her tummy wearing a pink dress

Hello! I'm Mollie.

I can support you to hone your intuition and build on your natural ability to mother. I will support you and your choices, with respect and without judgement, and provide information and evidence when called upon, so you can make choices that feel natural and powerful.

I offer an alternative model of care, outside of the system. From pre-conception support, right through to care in the fourth trimester. I offer comprehensive antenatal care, an extended package of postnatal care and I will be on-call to attend your birth, if you wish.

I am based in Nottingham/Derbyshire, and am happy to cover most of the East Midlands. If this sounds like the kind of care you're looking for, contact me for an exploration call.

Aside from being an independent midwife, I am a mother to my own little one. I have a wonderful, dependable partner (essential for on-calls!). I like cooking, drinking tea, the beach, swimming (sometimes at the beach) and hot baths. I can't wait to get to know one another!