Hello! We are Natasha and Sophie, independent midwives providing individualised antenatal, birth and postnatal care to women and birthing people in Kent. We have extensive experience, having previously worked in the NHS for over a decade, supporting hundreds of women and families during their pregnancy, birth and postnatal experiences. We respect that women and birthing people are the ultimate decision makers in their care and that it is our role as midwives to provide care, guidance and advocacy. 


Our care focuses on individualised, compassionate and evidence-based care, without the time constraints that are frequently found in mainstream midwifery care.

We have a variety of care packages to choose from but all carry this same ethos and we can create bespoke care packages too. We can also offer to do the NIPE (Newborn and Infant Physical Examination) for your baby in the comfort of your own home. 

Payment plans are always available.

Get in touch to book a free consultation to find out how we can support you on your pregnancy journey.


Get in touch if you would like to know more:




