I am Sarah Forster, I qualified with a BSc from Leeds University and I am registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. I am an experienced, confident and passionate Home birth specialist Midwife, I am fascinated by the innate capability of the human body and women's ability grow and birth with as a normal physiological process. It is a normal, everyday yet incredible event, one which I feel incredibly privileged to be part of my everyday life.

I work with families to build a relationship prior to the birth and offer support and advice throughout the continuum of pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. Continuity has been shown to be the best model of care for women it improves women's experience and theirs and their baby's safety. It is also enjoyable for me as the practitioner to have a select group of clients that I can work with intimately to create individualised care plans and build strong working relationships built on mutual trust and respect.

I have training in yoga, massage, hypnobirthing and birth trauma. I have a keen interest in wellness, including nutrition to support the pregnant and postnatal body, fetal positioning and active birth.

I am experienced with HBAC, water birth and complex care planning alongside the NHS system. I work with families to ensure that they feel in control of their healthcare decision and help them navigate their care choices both at home and within the hospital environment. I offer antenatal and postnatal appointments, hypnobirthing sessions and a full package of care that includes on call cover for home birth care and/or hospital support.